12/1/18 - Week 26 - Farewell to the 2018 Harvest Season!

It was a bittersweet harvest morning for us today -- the last Friday morning harvest of our 2018 CSA season.

It has been such a wonderful year of growth, joy, and community... and the highlight for us has being getting to know each of you, your wonderful children, and seeing you interact with the farm each week. We cherished the presence you all brought to the farm this season and we will miss seeing you each week!


We encourage you all to visit the farm at least once this winter -- to say hi, to pick some herbs or late strawberries. And, if you have a moment, to stand still for a moment in the fields.

There, you will find silence... broken only by the screech of a hawk or the soft chattering of a quail. A coolness will emanate up from damp soil, chilling your knees. Before you will lay the farm, the soft curves of the fields and hills draped under a blanket of green, asleep. But tread softly and listen closely...

Within that slumber next season churns: The cover crop stretches its living roots deep into the soil below where subterranean creatures break down this year's crop residue, like so many memories, into the raw materials that will make up next year's bounty... next year's story. Listen closely and you can hear the land dreaming.

For now, it is time for your farmers to rest, to reflect, and to do a little dreaming ourselves. Thank you all so much for the memories this year, and here's to many more to come.

See you in the fields,
